Chicken and Rice Casserole is marinated softened rice with chicken that is cooked in the oven and tastes amazing. This is an easy meal to cook on the days I have little time to drain the rice. I sometimes fry the rice with chicken but I can even skip that and mix all the ingredients and just put them in the oven and wait for my delicious meal to be ready.

Servings 4
Calories per serving 468 Cals
Prepare Time 15 min
Cook Time 40 min
Total Time 55 min


1 cup Rice
1 piece Chicken breast
0.5 cup Cheddar cheese
1 medium Onions
1.5 cup Chicken broth or water
0.5 cup Green peas
100 grams Butter
0.5 tablespoons Salt
1 teaspoon Black pepper



Prepare the ingredients for the chicken casserole and preheat the oven at 180C to warm up.


Melt the butter on the pan and fry the chopped onions inside it. Add the cubed chicken breast and fry it as well.


After the chickens changed their color and lost their water you can add the green peas to it as well and marinate them with salt and pepper. Finally, wash the rice and add it to the pan.


Fry the rice with the chicken well and add one cup of chicken broth. Put on the lid and wait for your rice to soften.


Take them off the heat when they lost most of their water. Put them in another dish in layers of cheese and rice, cover with foil, and put it in the oven.


Take it out of the oven after 50 to 40 minutes and decorate it with chopped parsley.

Cook Detail

Servings 4
Calories per serving 468 Cals
Prepare Time 15 min
Cook Time 40 min
Total Time 55 min


Cooking Method
Dish Type

Tips and tricks

  • You can add different vegetables such as carrots mushrooms and green peas to the ingredients and fry them to have a chicken casserole with vegetables.

Background & History

Our family is a big fan of rice, and we regularly have it as one of our main meals. The casserole is a french entree that you can even make for your breakfast. You can make it with different ingredients, in this recipe we made this casserole with chicken and rice and you can add other vegetables such as carrots and mushrooms to it as well.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Calories 468 Cals
Calcium, Ca 31.34 mg
Carbohydrate 44.66 g
Cholesterol 105.19 mg
Fat 22.65 g
Fiber 1.65 g
Folate 28.37 ug
Iron, Fe 1.1 mg
Magnesium, Mg 47.23 mg
Niacin 7.94 mg
Protein 20.65 g
Sodium, Na 1241.92 mg
Sugars 2.61 g
Thiamin 0.17 mg
Vitamin A 787.51 iu
Vitamin B6 0.68 mg
Vitamin C 9.29 mg