Zereshk Polo ba Morgh – Barberry Rice with Saffron Chicken

Zereshk Polo ba Morgh – Barberry Rice with Saffron Chicken

Chicken and barberry rice is one of the popular and festive food. It is very stress-free and simple idea that is quick to prepare. Every family has their own recipe, yet this recipe is what I experienced in my kitchen and learned from my mom.

Servings 1
Calories per serving 2973 Cals
Prepare Time 0 min
Cook Time 0 min
Total Time 0 min


1 piece Chicken (whole thighs or breast)
1 medium onion
2 strip (4" long) celery
1 small carrot
2 tbsp tomato paste
20 gram Lemon juice
0.3 cup Vegetable oil
0.25 tsp Spices, saffron
2 cup Rice, unenriched, raw, medium-grain, white
1 cup Raisins, seeded
3 tsp Sugars, granulated
1 tbsp Butter, without salt
0.5 tsp Salt
0.2 tsp Black pepper
0.2 tsp Turmeric


Flavor chicken with salt, pepper and turmeric, cover and leave it in fridge for couple of hours (if you don’t have time just leave it outside while preparing other ingredients).

Flavor chicken with salt, pepper and turmeric, cover and leave it in fridge for couple of hours (if you don’t have time just leave it outside while preparing other ingredients).

Roast chickens with a choice of oil until golden.

Roast chickens with a choice of oil until golden.

Take chickens out of pan, Cut onions and fry them in same pan for a bit and then add celery and carrots.

Take chickens out of pan, Cut onions and fry them in same pan for a bit and then add celery and carrots.

Add tomato paste to the rest of ingredients and fry it for a while.

Add tomato paste to the rest of ingredients and fry it for a while.


Add 2 cups of boiling water, leave chickens in the sauce and check the flavor.


Leave it on low heat for an hour or so. Add grind Saffron and lemon juice when it’s done.


Wash barberry, fry it with a tablespoon butter and sugar for 30 seconds, and add one tablespoon of brew Saffron.

Add the mixture to your cooked rice.

Add the mixture to your cooked rice.

Gently spoon about 1 cup cooked rice from pot and arrange on a platter. Scatter 2 tablespoon berries and a quarter of Saffron Chicken on top OR Serve it Persian style, so that spoon in rice to big platter and design it with barberries mixture, on a separate plate serve chicken with its sauce.

Gently spoon about 1 cup cooked rice from pot and arrange on a platter. Scatter 2 tablespoon berries and a quarter of Saffron Chicken on top OR Serve it Persian style, so that spoon in rice to big platter and design it with barberries mixture, on a separate plate serve chicken with its sauce.

Reviews (1)

Tony the Thai
Raisins or barberries? I'm confused. Not a fan of raisins in my savory foods.

Cook Detail

Servings 1
Calories per serving 2973 Cals
Prepare Time 0 min
Cook Time 0 min
Total Time 0 min

Tips and tricks

  • Saffron, ground with a mortar and pestle or in an electric spice grinder.
  • Choose bigger parts, its common to use whole chicken thighs-because it won’t fall apart when serving- along whit chicken breaths.
  • By flavoring the chicken pieces, it become more tender, using vegetables such as onion, celery and carrot makes your chickens smell better when its cook.
  • When adding water be careful that you don’t put too much water, because it became tasteless. Add very small amount that cover chickens and leave it on low heat.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Calories 2973 Cals
Calcium, Ca 154.52 mg
Carbohydrate 459.35 g
Cholesterol 229.09 mg
Fat 87.57 g
Fiber 14.9 g
Folate 105.84 ug
Iron, Fe 9.67 mg
Magnesium, Mg 291.49 mg
Niacin 35.65 mg
Protein 94.07 g
Sodium, Na 1396.22 mg
Sugars 24.14 g
Thiamin 0.79 mg
Vitamin A 9320.23 iu
Vitamin B6 3.34 mg
Vitamin C 34.06 mg